Thursday, September 11, 2008


A while back, our church asked me to oversee student ministries, where it included the oversight of not just middles school and high school, but also that of college as well. One of the first things I did was set up some monthly meetings with the middle school, high school, and college coordinators so that we could come up with a collective vision statement.

We did, and today I added it to our brainstorming / weekend planning room wall. We ordered a custom prose from Blik. It's a giant sticker thing. Turned out sweet. Here it is on our wall.

Now if it can just get beyond words on a wall and into our hearts. We're going to go over it every time we meet to plan in there, which is at least weekly with some of our student leadership team.

We are all doing a series called "re-generation" where we are teaching on it together in our respective ministry weekend services for 4 weeks in October/November too. Should be sweet.


Neal Benson 10:57 PM  

Dude I like this!


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San Diego, CA
Husband. Dad. Jesus Follower. Friend. Learner. Athlete. Soccer coach. Reader. Builder. Dreamer. Pastor. Communicator. Knucklehead.

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