Thursday am: wife comes to get me to go to coffee. On the way back to work, her Yukon Xl dies- turns out to be a fuel pump. Turns out the brakes are bad too.
Thursday pm: I discover the repairs will cost $1100. I then call an old time friend who is a parts manager at a GMC dealer and he gets me one part over nighted to the repair shop I had it towed to. This, if all goes well, will save me $180. $920 to go.
Friday am: I get a really bad feeling about my truck and the 1200 mile round trip 10 day camping experience we're about to embark on. So I call to get a quote on replacing the clutch. $1200 is the going rate. Ouch.
Friday am: I find out that my Midas brakes are covered by them, but I still have to pay for the labor to replace them. This saves me another $180. $760 to go.
Saturday pm: Shannon calls me from her cell. She's driving my truck and the clutch is on the floor and won't come back up. I have no vehicle to go get her. The neighbors take me down there. $1200 clutch, now not optional. I manage to limp home in second gear. My truck is now half way in/ half way out of my driveway because I can't get it in or out of reverse. Monday I guess I'll have it towed to the clutch shop. $1960 to go.
Saturday, dinner time: Dinner is over and Shannon starts the dishwasher. It disagrees. Freezes. And Dies. I should cuss, but instead I just smile at the stupidity of my world and try and remind myself of the blessing it is in the world to even say your top 3 problems are two broken down cars and a busted home appliance. I decide I'll cuss later. Maybe after I discover that the going rate for a dishwasher is like over $600. $2460 to go. Cussing to commence promptly.
Anyway.... then I checked my voice mail on my cell... which had been on "silent" all day while I worked on TJ's 10 year old birthday remodel his room present.... and discovered I had not sent a letter of recommendation for a student I said I'd send and that I sent my assistant coach to a soccer team meeting at the wrong location. UGHHHHHH!
My family is planning on going camping on Wednesday. I think I might go today. That is if I didn't have to bike there. Read more...