I don't often "get" mark driscoll. But that doesn't mean much I suppose.
It means we don't share the same view on many issues in the church. It means we could have a spirited debate over a beverage. It doesn't mean I think he's not a believer or satan- all of which I'm sure he's been called- mostly because he rarely minces words. He has a long reputation of "speaking his mind" and with his extreme views, creating a love him or hate him environment. It also creates, like a big political figure, a long list of followers in a grip of locations in the Seattle area.
Regardless, his latest teaching series is one I ran across by accident today. I heard it was from Mark Driscoll on the Song of Songs so I was already skeptical. I'm sure we don't share a lot of the same views on sexuality, women, or the interpretation on this book's literary form.
But I was utterly unprepared for this website. It's not my picture of the image of the Biblical book. It's not my picture of Mark. And it is utterly weird. I think they might have hired a new web animator with an idea and a paycheck. I don't get it. Maybe the teaching will clear it up. Maybe not.
i think driscoll has questioned -- publicaly, even -- many more peoples' salvation than have questioned his.
that was some cool and trippy animation, though. :)
I'm from the "I really like the guy a lot" camp.
I saw the site yesterday and I thought it was kinda cool. Fawns, Gazelles, Towers, Trees (Cedars) & Fruit are all metaphors in the Song of Solomon so I thought the animations were appropriate.
This content will not be as intense or graphic as the 2008 SongofSolomon seminar. I have those tapes by Matt chandler and they are excellent but more for married couples.
the weirdness on my part was not that imagery is not from the song. It just seems a little childlike for such a adult book. The animation makes it look like he's giving the series to 5 year olds in my opinion.
Yes, I instantly thought of Bambi. Which is not what I think of when I read the sex book.
I understand your original comment and reply. The animations are bizarre (that tree!).
I guess I wasn't surprised because I am quite familiar with Mark's ministry and nothing surprises me anymore. While I really like the guy, and vodcast his teaching, I admit that he can be a strange bird at times.
I'm guessing you don't dress the way he does in your pulpit? Some of my more conservative Christian friends roll their eyes at some of his outfits.
Nice blog!
I work with students. t-shirt and jeans is the norm. Maybe a ballcap. I'm also thinking Driscoll would qualify as significantly more conservative than I. But I've never met him face to face.
Glad you enjoy the blog.
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