Monday, August 15, 2011


This has been a great summer.  3 weeks of straight ministry camp and missions followed by 2 weeks of family road trip made for great memories.  More on that in future posts.

But as awesome as the summer was, I think this fall might be even more so.  I'm excited for some new changes we're making to small groups in Encounter.  I'm excited for new freshman. I'm excited for some new members on our team.  I'm excited to start coaching soccer again for 2 of my kids.  I'm excited for some writing and teaching opportunities I have coming up.

MAGAZINE ARTICLES:  I'm still writing a magazine article for Group every 2 months. It's called Family Matters and I just renewed my contract for the coming year too. Each article is about life in ministry with a family.  I wrote a longer article for the September issue too as a teaser dealing with the subject of another book I'm working on for them about Criticism: enduring, learning from, and responding to your critics.  

I started doing a little writing for "Immerse Journal" as well and have an article coming out in the September/October issue dealing with taking care of your own soul.  

BOOK I'M WORKING ON CURRENTLY:  I'm also in contract for a book due out sometime in February 2012 I think on the ministry and family subject.  It's called, "As for Me and My (Crazy) House: learning to protect your heart, marriage, and family from the demands of ministry".  I'm stoked about it and start crankin on my due dates this week.  

ONLINE CONVO I'M PART OF:  Today launched a new and re-vamped website called "Slant 33".  I'm part of a team of contributors who will each answer a question.  The questions publish regularly and have 3 different responses or views from ministry professionals on each topic.  Should be a great read.  I'm looking forward to both reading and contributing this year.  

CONFERENCES I'M TEACHING AT: This fall, I'm teaching at two conferences for youth pastors.  
One is the National Youth Workers conference in San Diego September 30-October 2, 2011.

I'll be teaching or participating in 3 different learning environments this year:

(1) A panel discussion called Retreat Planning 101

(2) Seminar called:  Say No to the Status Quo: Declaring War on Extended Adolescence and Casual Christianity

Here's the brief description on that one: You don't have to be very observant or very well read to know that adolescence has moved from a life stage to a lifestyle and that students are leaving their faith behind as they head into their twenties. This workshop will challenge us to look into how we're structuring our ministries in ways that might be perpetuating the problem and develop some solid theological and practical solutions to putting a stop to this common trend. 

(3) Panel discussion on the Future of Youth Ministry with Josh Griffin, Matt McGill and Mark Oestreicher. 

YS made lots of changes to this years format.  You can see my new boss, Tic Long, explaining some of it in this more awesome video :)

Another conference I'll be joinin is called "Recess" and is hosted at the Mt. Hermon Conference grounds at Ponderosa Lodge in the Santa Cruz mountains.  

October 9-11, 2012 is a weekend of training for those who live within driving distance of Mt. Hermon.  It's gonna be a great 2 1/2 days of play, training, conversations, and team building. Josh Fox is leading worship and I'm teaching along with Duffy Robbins.  Super excited about being part of this new venture.  

3 cheers for a full fall. 


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