Friday, January 14, 2011


No, I'm not leaving Journey or Student Ministries.

But I have been asked to expand my oversight responsibilities to include children's ministry as well.  [Probably cuz we I have 5 of them living in my home :)]  This means in addition to being hands on in high school,  I'll also be overseeing the staff and volunteers responsible for our ministries that target anyone at Journey ages birth through college age. We're officially calling it a "generations pastor".  Sounds like a lot, but we have a great paid and volunteer team that is going to be expanding some here in the near future as we hire a couple of more part-time slots and provide tons of ways for volunteers to get involved.  Oh, and for the first time in almost 17 years, I'll have a close to full time administrative assistant working exclusively with our team!!!  I hope you saw me jump out of my seat when I said that.  I'm almost giddy with excitement.  I can't wait to see how God will work in and through this team in 2011.

This weekend, all our parents who drop their kid(s) off in Children's ministry will be getting a letter we're passing out.  Here's a copy of the official details:

Dear Parent,
Thanks so much for partnering with us here at Journey in the spiritual development of your child.  We count it an extreme privilege to join you in the process of inviting a generation to understand, own, and live out a life changing faith in Jesus.
To that end, we’ve recently experienced some changes in leadership here at Journey in our children’s ministries area you might want to know about.   During January, our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Chris Rader will transition out of Children’s Ministry.  This is in response to a leading Chris has had for a while from God about his changing passions and calling on his life. Chris will not be leaving our pastoral team, but instead will now be giving leadership to Pastoral Care here at Journey (care groups, benevolence, bereavement, marriage counseling, etc. )
In his place, Brian Berry, our Student Ministries Pastor, is expanding his oversight and leadership to include the children’s area too.  So, in the coming months Brian will be helping to lead a team of staff and volunteers to provide the same fun, safe, and spiritually engaging children’s ministry you and your children have come to love.
 Maybe you’re wondering, “How will this change affect my family?”  Well, here’s what we want to reassure you of: 
-We will still provide the same excellent children’s ministry parallel to all our services.  
-Our current check-in and check-out policy works as it always has for the safety of you and your child.  So, keep your cards and gather your stickers and all that fun stuff. 
-As always, we would love to have you help us lead, teach, or just love on kids.  Please let us know if you’re interested in volunteering. ( Simply e-mail our administrative assistant, Pam Molde for more info:
Serving Jesus and children with you,
Brian Berry  and  Chris Rader

There ya have it.  Pray it up people.  I could use all the prayer you can muster.  Should be quite the ride in this next season of my life. 


  1. Congrats, Brian! Very exciting!

  2. No way! I just had out Children's Ministry added to my oversight to Brian! We will have to chat! I've found Children's Ministry very interesting looking through the lense of my Student Ministry eyes!

  3. sure sandy. let's set a time to talk. hit me up on facebook or e-mail or something and we'll make it happen.
