Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm responsible for working with several paid staff at Journey in the student ministries department. One of the specific things I think I must do in order to help us all lead well together is evaluate where we've been, where we're headed, and what we need to do to get there. The summer is a great time to do this while the last school year's learnings are still fresh and well before the beginning of a new school year is upon us.

To that end, I dreamed up some questions I want to answer with those I help lead. As I sent them off in an e-mail today, I realized that not only did I want them to answer them, but I wanted to answer them for myself too.

Perhaps they might be of some use to you, my faithful blog readers. :) HAAAA!

Ok... here's my quick list of 5:
  • What part of your current responsibilities brings you the most joy?... like you could do it all day and be stoked.
  • What part of your current responsibilities drains you?... like you could never again do it and never miss it.
  • What do you think you're spending the majority of your time doing?... like what piece of your job or perceived job is taking the biggest chunk of your time- for better or for worse... draining or empowering... what takes the lion's share of your job?
  • What are you currently lacking, that if I gave it to you, would solve a lot of problems that are weighing heavy on you?
  • What would your dream role be in 5 years and what do we need to do to make movements towards that?

1 comment:

  1. These are good to think through Berry. Stoked that you are doing that; taking the time to relax and ask the tough questions.
    I had some time in the last 6 weeks to get away, at different intervals, and ask some stuff like this.
