I said this 3 days ago.
Now, go ahead and click this and read. It is the president's published and "controversial" speech he is giving tomorrow to children from kindergarten to 12th grade.
If you are one of the ones complaining about this speech, here's 3 things I think you should do:
1. read it.
2. tell me what you think is so dangerous for our kids to hear.
3. if you can't find anything, and you were vocal about your criticism, go ahead and write him an apology.
I personally would LOVE to see our presidents make this an annual tradition. Sure, go ahead and have a state of the union address. But how about giving a speech like this on the day after labor day for forever. Challenge and inspire students. I say every school in the country should start with an assembly, show the speech, and the president should offer an encouragement to students to stay in school, study hard, overcome obstacles, and make a positive contribution to our society. Then have students return to class and share what they were inspired by and what they disagreed with in a classroom setting.
I'm looking forward to watching this with my kids. I'm definitely gonna DVR it.