Wednesday, August 19, 2009


National Youth Workers Convention

Hey friends. I'm stoked to be going to the National Youth Workers Conference again this year for a variety of reasons. I have no idea how many I've been to, but it's a ton. But this year the experience will be totally different than anything in the recent past due to lots of changes in the format and structure. It will be more conversational, more relational, more opportunity for all attendees to shape content.... and therefore more impactful I hope and pray.
I've loved what God has bugged and nudged and taught me about through YS... and more recently, over the last 4 years of being in San Diego... my opportunities to work with YS have reached whole new levels. After 15 years of youth ministry, I finally feel like I have some experience perhaps worth gleaning and I've been give a few chances to share some of that over the last few years.
Along those lines, I have been given the opportunity this year to lead 2 labs in L.A. One will be a lab on "The Big Picture: developing a year-long comprehensive calendar and teaching plan" that I got some great feedback and response on from when I lead it 2 years ago. Here's the content description:
Ministry can be all about the tyranny of the urgent. When 
it is, the result is limited creativity, high stress, and usually
 low volunteer involvement due to the immediacy of needs
 and short-term demands. This lab is all about changing that 
by helping you develop a teaching and events calendar that
 lets you get ahead and get others involved. We’ll show you 
how to create a visual calendar you can use to stay ahead, discuss ways to develop group ownership, as well as talk 
about practical ways to make a calendar year that creates
 momentum instead of a constant drain on you, your ministry, 
and families.
Another will be new for me at the NYWC on student leadership and it's called, "Creating a teenage owned ministry". Here's that content description:
Adolescent leadership is one thing. Adolescent ownership 
is something different. This lab will discuss some practical
 ways to move from merely getting teenagers involved to getting them owning a ministry. We’ll talk about the structural,
 philosophical, and practical systems that must be in place
 to move teens to a high level of ownership. Whether you’re
 trying to get a leadership team started or looking to revamp
 the one you already have, this lab will be a great place to do
 some thinking and dreaming of what could and should be.
So jump on in and join me in L.A. It should be some great learnings together. You can sign up here or just click on any of the NYWC banners on this blog and join me in Los Angeles, CA from September 25-28, 2009.

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