Monday, July 20, 2009


Day 2 was simple enough.

We took the free shuttle bus to the Marioposa Grove of Giant Redwoods for a day hike, grabbed some ice cream, and then took a nice nap before dinner.

If you ask me why I go camping, one reason I will tell you is "trees". Yes, trees. I enjoy San Diego and it's a fun place to live, but if God calls me to Tahoe one day.... I wouldn't complain. I SOOOOOOO MISS THE TREES. I love the smell. I love the sound of the wind rushing through them. I love birds chilling in them. I love the trees. I love the mountains, I love the streams, I love the trees in them.

So we went on a 4ish mile hike to go see some of the biggest ones on the planet. (click on the pics and they'll get larger if you wanna closer view)

I also love wild flowers and the meadows.

only to be slightly surpassed by french press java and napping in my hammock by the river a mere 10 feet off the river.


  1. Hooray for the French Press.

    I have to ask about that last picture though - did you tell Shannon: "Here, I'm going to lay in the hammock and this will be the napping picture in my blog post - can you take a picture of me?"

  2. nope. I reached my arm out and snapped my own pic thinking, "this is my napping blog post"

  3. Okay, got it. :) I'm glad you're having a good time, it looks like a blast. Can't imagine camping with such a huge tribe. I was patting myself on the back for a successful camping trip with just Janelle, Belle, and I - but that's like single-A ball. To be able to camp with a huge family AND actually feel relaxed/having fun is quite the accomplishment. And I think it means you and Shannon work pretty well together.

  4. Vanessa10:34 AM

    Once again very impressed with your pic taking skills. That place looks awesome, we are so going when the kids get a bit older.
