Thursday, October 23, 2008


I went on my first field trip of the school year yesterday with Jake's first grade class. We walked from his school down the hill to the library and the fire station and back.

Here's what I learned:

#1. The library in our community has free wireless and lets you eat inside cuz they have a cafe too. I just might need to go there to study soon. They have some nice tables too. I kinda dug it. It surprised me.

#2. I know several firemen. Here's what I've concluded about them over the years that I've also confirmed yesterday:
  • they will risk their life to save yours
  • they like it when stuff burns- they are kinda pyromaniacs in recovery. Don't misunderstand, they don't want you or anyone else harmed, but they secretly hope your dryer catches your house on fire and that they get to swing an axe and break stuff and make your house really wet.
  • they are part prankster.
  • they like to eat and excercise. Some more of one than another.
  • they are neat freaks. For whatever reason, they love their stuff organized to the point of everything has a place and in it's place at all times.
  • they have a schedule that makes me jealous. I wish I could work "x" hours on and then get 4 days off. I think I would like to lobby for the whole world to go on that schedule. Let's all work a grip and sleep in our office and then let's go play at the beach for several days and do it all over again. Sounds awesome.
#3. Jake has a lot of energy.

Here's the photos of me and my youngest son for like 3 more months. That's weird to think about.

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