Monday, October 06, 2008


My seminary class is teaching us how to freaking sing a hymn right now.

So, here's what I'm gonna do.

Show you how happy my flower pot was today as I mowed my lawn in the hopes that it will inspire both of us.

I had to buy a baby sitter for this- thus this class is costing me an extra $30 to learn about the rhythm, speed, and poetry in ancient hymns.

I'm sure I need this. I'm sure I need this. I'm sure I need this. I'm sure I need this. I'm sure I need this.

There, I convinced myself. My flowers are inspiring.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Oh, I'm sure you could teach that prof a thing or 2 about ancient rhythm, speed and, uh "poetry" if you haul out that infamous brian berry rap from encounter.
