I had told Shannon that I would be a bad Dad and a lousy husband for 2 days because I had to fully immerse myself in being a seminary student for 2 days. This wasn't a bad week to say that since we're going away for our anniversary for thursday, friday, and saturday and since I'm taking most- if not all of Wednesday- off to hang do graduation stuff with TJ as he leaves the 5th grade and heads to middle school.
Anyway, I had to stay up all night to finish the first seminary project in 3 years that actually has direct application to my youth ministry. My Evangelism/Discipleship seminary professor is a church planter of a local church in our area and as a result, pastors think different than professors. I'm convinced of that much. So my class project was allowed to be tailored to the audience I work with and allowed to be directly ready to use, not a research project I'd have to assimilate later. WOW... NOVEL THOUGHT!!!
I better stop or I'll go off on a rant here. I have serious opinions about the greco-roman-european-postmodern-learning system I find my self stuck in... but that's another post with a lot of swear words...
So, despite the fact that I'm turning my project in late, it's done. Here's what it is:
A 6 week bible study and work book for students in our ministry. We are launching it in the fall of this next year in our small groups an in a parallel weekend series I'm writing called, "Everybody Matters". Here's how the 6 weeks break down:
- EVANGELISM 101- understanding God's heart for those far from God.
- BECOMING THE REAL DEAL- living an authentic life of a follower of Jesus before a watching world
- IDENTIFYING AND UTILIZING YOUR UNIQUENESS FOR GOD- examining different personality and spiritual gifts in light of the goal of evangelism.
- EMBRACING THE PROCESS- being faithful to the long haul of evangelism
- THE ART OF SHARING YOUR OWN STORY- harnessing the evangelical power of a changed life.
- UNDERSTANDING THE GOSPEL MESSAGE- clearly communicating God's story to those far from God.
So, I think I'm going to try and kill 3 birds with this one stone.
- I'm going to give it to my prof for class credit.
- I'm going to use it for my own ministry in the fall.
- I'm going to see if Simply wants to use it as a small group curriculum.
Speaking of Simply, I also finished another bible study last week, which is why this seminary project is so late. That fact and graduations and about a million other things. Anyway, last week I tweaked a bible study I wrote for new believers back in my early days of youth ministry. (I think I was like 23) It took me a long time to tweak it, because I lost one of the chapters on my computer and because I've changed. So some of the stuff I wrote before I no longer believe. Ha!!!
Anyway, it was fun to do- minus the time crunch. It's really more of a survey of the Bible on 5 critical components for a follower of Jesus. I'm going to use it in our ministry as a class we're offering for new believers/students who want to reestablish the basics 2x a year over a 2 Sunday afternoon period. I used to call it "Foundations", but I retitled this series, "The Essence".
Here's how it breaks down.
- What is a Christian and why should I be one?
- What is the Bible and why should I read it?
- What is prayer and why should I practice it?
- What is the church and why should I get involved in it?
- What is evangelism and why should I do it?
OK... I now have to go cram for my greco-roman-european-postmodern-learning system regurgitation of memorized trivia for my seminary final in 5 hours.
I'm curious... how have your beliefs changed?