Wednesday, February 20, 2008

30 DAYS OF....

My church just finished a 21 days of prayer and fasting period. Evidently we missed the mark.

This church issued 30 days of sex according to this CNN video. After watching this video, I have nothing to write here that is appropriate. Most of my snide remarks are going to remain in my head. I just voice these 4 ponderings:
  • their website they created for this "campaign" has crashed due to too many hits.
  • I wonder if this pastor is really trying to re-kindle marriages or just get on TV?
  • I really want to know what his wife thinks of his plan. I'm sure he thinks it's pure genius and gets him lots of high fives at the mens group.
  • I wonder if they're passing out condoms in the bulletins or if they just have plans for expanding their church nursery, but are struggling to get enough congregational support.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    30 days... are you kidding me?? I'm sure there are plenty of guys high fiving and the ladies... well...
