Friday, October 12, 2007


TJ came to me last week and asked if I would help him run for school treasurer. So I asked him why and what it meant and what he needed from me. He said he wanted to help the school count money and raise money for field trips and supplies and stuff and he needed a slogan, some signs, some stickers, and a speech.

So we came up with this campaign slogan, TURN YOUR TRASH INTO CASH.

Then he and I made campaign posters, printed labels/stickers to give to his friends, and wrote his campaign speech, which he gave yesterday:

Hi ravens. I am T.J. Berry and I am running for the office of treasurer! And I want the job. But lots of other people do too. So why choose me?

Good question. The answer is simple: It’s because I’ll turn your trash into Cash!!!

If you elect me, soon you will see recycling trashcans at the lunch area. I’ve seen you guys buy water bottles and soda cans and throw them away. Instead of throwing them away put them into our new cans at lunch or after school. Then, every month, I’ll get some of you together and with the help of my dad, we will take the cans and bottles to the recycling center. The money that we get, we will turn into the school. And soon you’ll see your trash become a field trip, school supplies, fun days, all different sorts of stuff.

So vote T.J. Berry for treasurer. That’s right. Vote T. J. Berry and I’ll turn your trash into CA$H!!
And on Friday I made sure to go with Shannon to pick up the kids. We decided either way, we'd go to ice cream to either console or celebrate with him. As we were backing out of our house, I forgot my camera and ran back to get it. Shannon said, "What do you need it for?" I said, cuz if he wins, I want the smile on camera.

While we were waiting in the car line, I could tell by his mannerisms that he'd won. So as we drove up, I leaned out the passenger window with my camera to get the real deal on film as he's yelling, "I won! I won! I won!". Here you go.

Ladies and Gentlemen, one happy 5th grade boy who just got elected his school Treasurer shot by one happy Dad who has now evidently booked himself to be recycle boys ride for the remainder of the school year Fridays I suppose.

(PS.- Tyler lost a tooth this week just in time for school pictures. You can check out his proud missing tooth face in the upper left hand corner too)


  1. Please tell TJ congratulations for me. If I was his parent I would already start having visions of staying at the white house one day.

    Great pictures. I like the one of not only TJ happy at school but his supportive brothers walking behind him with their stickers on and a just as big, proud smile.

    We are celebrating with you. I think we will go have some ice cream too.

  2. You are an awesome Dad! Thanks for sharing your family life as well as other stuff!

  3. Anonymous6:36 PM

    ok ... so excited TJ won.
    also, so excited you're recycling at the school. smother TJ with congrats kisses for me too!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS T.J.! Uncle Brad and Auntie are SO excited for you. You're going to make a great Treasurer. Wish we could donate our recycling. We have LOTS of it. Love your gutz all the way from Oregon.
    Love, Auntie & Uncle Brad
