Congratulations, the iStockphoto administrators have determined that your images are commercially and technically ready for Please begin uploading at your convenience.So now I am officially a provider for I have been brewing on doing this for some time now, and with several people saying, something like, "you should sell your photos". So, I decided to give it a whirl. So last week, I took 3 of my photos and uploaded them onto an application to be a provider for a professional graphics site that I buy pics off for ministry slides a lot. Maybe my photos will be on a billboard someday. How cool is that?
Here's the 3 pics I applied with in low quality dpi.... no stealing now ya know :).
congrats Brian. That is cool. I hope that works out. The three pictures look great.
Shut up, you're a photographer too?! You're pictures are really good! The many talents of B.Berry