I now declare the month of October to be David Crowder Loveliness Month. He will be at the house of blues in downtown San Diego on Friday the 12th and I now possess tickets to see him. He will be playing at the National Youth Workers Convention the following weekend which I will also be at. Oh.. I shall get my fix and my heart will be inspired. I can feel it already.
Wanna join me?.... well you're in luck. If you happen to be one of the few people on the planet who read this blog, you can now have the inside scoop too. I'd normally feel guilty for letting their "secret" get out, but I'm not exactly an influential piece of the web-world.... so now, my blog comes with perks too!!!!! Ooh la la. The crowder band is now offering a limited number of pre-sale tickets to those avid fans who read their blog or frequent their website for a base fee- minus the surcharges and stuff to come with the "official national sales" in May. So as of yesterday, through April 30th... you can buy tickets to their remedy tour at venues around the country directly off their website. They are only playing at local "club" type scenes, so space will be really limited.
Oh, I know... this post feels like a Christmas gift. I felt it too. Share the love and join me in SD if ya want. We'll sing and laugh and cry out to God together. Maybe we can even grab a nice bit o grub in the gas lamp first.
Shalom.... and may your body and soul find it's way to a Crowder celebration near you.
Wanna join me?.... well you're in luck. If you happen to be one of the few people on the planet who read this blog, you can now have the inside scoop too. I'd normally feel guilty for letting their "secret" get out, but I'm not exactly an influential piece of the web-world.... so now, my blog comes with perks too!!!!! Ooh la la. The crowder band is now offering a limited number of pre-sale tickets to those avid fans who read their blog or frequent their website for a base fee- minus the surcharges and stuff to come with the "official national sales" in May. So as of yesterday, through April 30th... you can buy tickets to their remedy tour at venues around the country directly off their website. They are only playing at local "club" type scenes, so space will be really limited.
Oh, I know... this post feels like a Christmas gift. I felt it too. Share the love and join me in SD if ya want. We'll sing and laugh and cry out to God together. Maybe we can even grab a nice bit o grub in the gas lamp first.
Shalom.... and may your body and soul find it's way to a Crowder celebration near you.
Tip of the cap to you Mr. Berry. I have now purchased my own tickets. Dinner in the gaslamp is sounding mighty tasty!